Prana, Breath and Mind
Explorations in Prana, Pranayama & Yoga Psychology
Feb 11, 2024
Westside Yoga
Seddon, Melbourne
Prana, Breath and Mind
Explorations in Prana, Pranayama & Yoga Psychology
Sunday Feb 11th
10.30am - 4.00 pm
This Prana, Breath and Mind workshop is for those seeking an immersion
in the deeper dimensions of yoga practice.
We will balance a clear conceptual understanding of yoga psychology and the more contemporary insights of developmental psychology on the one hand, with the intimate encounters discovered within the
rich and subtle terrain of embodied experience.
Pranayama is a profoundly intimate affair and helps us cultivate a
relationship with the living current of life itself.
Feb, 11th, 2024
10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Opening the natural self-organising dynamics of energy in asana practice and introducing yoga psychology
1:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Entering the rich and subtle terrain of pranayama.
(includes Dharma talk)
Some of the themes we will cover are:
Prana as essential nourishment
Aligning with the natural self-organising dynamics of the body
The role of gravity in breathing
Cultivating responsiveness in practice
Befriending and refining feeling
Understanding Yoga psychology and developmental psychology
Trusting the natural intelligence of life
$85 conc
Paul has been practicing and studying yoga and meditation for 40 years and teaching for 35 years.
He draws from his experience in many different styles and traditions and, through a practical understanding of their underlying unifying principles, weaves together a cohesive and integrated approach to yoga.
Paul is a unique voice in the world of yoga. He has a way of bringing the sometimes abstract teaching of yoga into ordinary language making them accessible and workable in our lives.
Working with Paul is an invitation to the deeper dimensions of practice. His particular way of working opens us to the sensitivity and receptivity necessary for the subtler inner practices.
He founded the Gertrude Street Yoga Studio in Fitzroy in 1997 before moving to the Philippines in 2015 to open Wild Dharma Eco retreat, a sublime ecological sanctuary for deeper study and practice of the sacred arts.
He continues to study the inexhaustible richness of the wisdom traditions and complements these studies with a more contemporary understanding of the human condition, including developmental psychology, integral theory and trauma work (somatic experiencing) which seeks to help uncover and release the binding patterns of trauma in the body.