Paul Wooden
Hosting Paul at your studio
The heart of our work at Yoga Dharma Life is to open ourselves towards a deeper relationship
with the essential ground and innate intelligence of our lives.
What moves us towards this kind of work is a deep desire to know the truth of our lives,
a deep desire to fully engage, open and inhabit our lives, a deep desire to touch
and be touched by life with intelligence, with care, and with passion.
Mastery of yoga does not necessarily mean mastering more difficult postures;
it is more intelligently assessed by how it is helping you live with more wisdom and heart.
This work gently and persistently invites a full and fearless participation with the living moment.
It opens a deeper intimacy with ourselves, with others with life itself.
When not at Wild Dharma, Paul travels to teach at various yoga centres around the world.
If you would like to invite Paul to your studio for workshops or retreats please let us know and if possible
we will do our best to make it happen.
While he teaches all aspects of yoga and believes we need a whole ecology of practices,
to really reap the full benefits of yoga,
in the coming months he will be more focussed on embodiment, pranayama and meditation.
Below you will find some examples of workshop themes
Supporting you in finding, clarity, inspiration and confidence
in the subtle processes of a grounded spiritual life.
"Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love."
~ Rumi